Satria Mandala, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Director of Research Center

Satria Mandala, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.

HUMiC Research Center

Human Centric Engineering (HUMIC) is one of the research centers (RC) at Telkom University that was officially founded in February 2020 with Dr. Satria Mandala as the Director of the RC.

Human Centric Engineering focuses on several research fields, such as computing, informatics, electronics, robotics, mechanical and biomedical engineering. All of these researches are intended to support HUMIC’s vision to become a center of excellence in improving the health and well-being of human life.


The following are several members who are given the confidence to hold operational positions at HUMiC research center. Great power comes with great responsibilty.

HUMIC Members

Here our HUMiC amazing members. They have great passion on science and engineering, complete with their various skill and experience.